A Romantic Sunset Cruise along the Mekong River (A Romantic Sunset Cruise along the Mekong River) 金边 柬埔寨

A Romantic Sunset Cruise along the Mekong River

 金边, 柬埔寨

Songs have been made about cruising through the sunset. You’ve probably even sung it before, but have you tried actually cruising while the sun is setting? If you haven’t yet, here’s your chance! Come with your significant other, and enjoy a romantic cruise along the magical Mekong River! Two hours is all you need so if you have free time for leisure while you’re in Cambodia, this would be the perfect activity to fill that spot in your itinerary. It’s hassle-free too. Someone will pick you up from the hotel so you can be directly transferred to the pier where you will board your boat. Once the boat starts to float along the river, your two-hour adventure will also begin. Your sunset cruise will be a great way to close a day’s event. You will also be cruising through the Tonlesap River where you can get a great view of the sunset covering the colonial area of Phnom Penh. The deck, where you will be seated, offers an interesting view of the different sites of Cambodia including the Royal Palace, dozens of pubs, cafes, galleries, and restaurants. Some other temples can also be seen from the river. One side of the river also overlooks the Chaktomuk. How incredible nice is that? Come, take this tour and have a magical sunset cruise experience!